Pas de stratégie d’entreprise sans architectes d’entreprise

La définition et la conduite de la stratégie de l’entreprise est souvent le pré carré des seniors managers, pour la raison qu’ils possèdent l’expérience et une connaissance large de l’entreprise et du marché. Parmi eux, les financiers ont toujours eu la part belle, car il faut de l’argent pour développer une entreprise. Depuis une dizaine En savoir plus surPas de stratégie d’entreprise sans architectes d’entreprise[…]

A change agent CIO, his real strategic stake.

CIO contribution is often assessed on the basis of IT value indicator which most of the time is improved when costs lower, quality of service rises, and risk level is acceptable. Furthermore, some firms expect from CIO to be one of their most important change agent. This is an opportunity for CIO’s which helps to bring them front and to give them a true strategic role. Then, the scope of CIO is not limited to IT Division but encompasses the whole company.

Often in the past, the widespread thought was that’s enough to find the right technology and company people will immediately get it and change its way of working.
