Level 4 and 5 autonomous car, not a withdraw, a surrender

Carlos Tavares announced last year, in March 2019, that PSA had decided to withdraw from the race to level 4 and 5 autonomous car for individuals. This had sounded like abandoning a strategy on the belief that the goal was proving impossible to achieve. However, the main argument put forward was not technological, but rather En savoir plus surLevel 4 and 5 autonomous car, not a withdraw, a surrender[…]

To be or not to be digital, this is not a question

The digital transformation or digital transition is today the subject « must have » of any corporate strategy. If it is absent, the credibility of the growth prospects will be mechanically reduced, when it is present what meaning the company must give it? The answer to this natural question is far from obvious. If it is up En savoir plus surTo be or not to be digital, this is not a question[…]

CESAMES ? Better than Ali Baba !

Who did not attend to the CESAMES conference at « La Maison des Arts et Métiers » ? According to me, a few as the place was crowded and requiring to get more chairs than prepared. Why such a success ? CESAMES is a business association which promote an original vision regarding Architecture. It sees System Architects, Enterprise En savoir plus surCESAMES ? Better than Ali Baba ![…]

Has your Business changed ? Try Enterprise Architecture then.

  • Most of big french companies front-office are machines : internet services, interactive vocal responders. And when it is not automated, call center operators are difficult to reach, they have not the good level of knowledge to answer customers questions, and customers have still to pay through call  taxation. In other cases, delivery is done  by employees or subcontractors who are not deemed nor able to endorse company point of view.
  • .
  • Trade off is on one hand rising the number of services offered to customers and on the other mitigating front end costs. Then, all operations are executed processes unless a grain of sand requires a human actor to fix a little unattended situtaion which may become pain in the neck for a customer. (cf comte bougainville conference)
  • .
  • This situation is often encountered with telecom operators, railway operators and in some respect flight companies.
  • […]

Foundation Cigref : an international Think Tank on digital economy

Senator Pierre LafitteLast month, I attended to the Foundation Cigref symposium on Digital Innovation for Business Transformation. I won’t tell you a whole story that you are able to listen there : 2nd symposium. I would just outline some special moments.

Françoise Mercadal-Delasalles, Head of Human Resources at Socgen, outline how the bank current strategy based on innovation and on weaving new ways of customer relationship, is in line with Cigref Foundation researches objectives which are to show how  usages of Information Technology sustain business innovation.  I am noting too another similarity on strong international  culture of Socgen and Cigref Foundation which may claim to be a first class international think tank on Information Technology.

Taobao.com, leading Chinese company in e-commerce,
has just entered the top 100 companies with the highest numerical value in the unlisted world. Lu Peng his vice-president told its impressive story. I had the opportunity to discuss a little bit about its terrific numbers.  If we have a look beyond  the business size indicator we  would discover soon that China is at the first stage of e-Commerce which is « produced locally-sold locally ». All remain to be build for next stages which are « produced remotely-sold locally », especially a strong logistic business to bring goods and services to the costumer premises.


Would you like to increase your organisation competences on Enterprise Architecture ?

Most of CIOs and managers see as an achievement to increase the competences of their organisation. They have better chance to outperform their goals and are stronger to withstanding the setbacks. Moreover, the collaborators who crossed a gap, improve their loyalty to them and to the company. They lower they attrition rate.

Yet, with architecture and enterprise architecture, you may be surprised. Although you have trained all your architects, you may not quicken the pace of changes in your information system architecture. This is because architects are doing only a small part of the architecture, main design and decisions are done by Project managers. Some companies have even coined the name « Technical Project managers » to promote architects to management position. This means that if you have invested to roll-out a framework like TOGAF among your architects, you may likely miss your ROI.


Killing IT Costs

In such times of crisis, cost cutting is the most frequent question to be dealt with by a CIO. Business unit managers and CEO would like to get back as much money as possible to preserve strategic company investments and operations. Each manager is keen to show how best he is in company strategy support, so CIO.

Then it is time to have ideas.

Service industry productivity is the current challenge for Europe

The term « post-industrial society » was first coined by Daniel Bell in 1973. He predicted things like the global diffusion of capital, the imbalance of international trade, and the decline of the manufacturing sector on the behalf of service industry. This leads to slow growth economies since services usually show less productivity growth than manufacturing. This is  the Baumol Effect which states that in labor-intensive sectors that rely heavily on human interaction or activities, such as nursing,education, or the performing arts, there is little or no growth in productivity over time.


Should companies appoint a CTO ?

Strictly speaking CIO extent is around company information asset management, even if he encompasses often operations management as well. Larger companies which would like to lead processes on its own, may feel better with a second IT manager dedicated to technology, this is a CTO. According to company main stakes, this manager could be outside IT department, where he reports to COO or CEO, or inside and then he reports to CIO.
