CESAMES ? Better than Ali Baba !

Atelier débat du 6 avrilWho did not attend to the CESAMES conference at « La Maison des Arts et Métiers » ? According to me, a few as the place was crowded and requiring to get more chairs than prepared. Why such a success ? CESAMES is a business association which promote an original vision regarding Architecture. It sees System Architects, Enterprise Architects, real time systems Architects, as all of them Architects with common practices and methods.

Architects are special people who cook their own methods and are reluctant to share views.  But, when it is worth and possible, they are keen to see what happens in the neighbours kitchen. According to the crowd, it seems that the CESAMES kitchen is valuable as may testify its website. Moreover, during the show, they appeared like a close-knit team, always ready and entusiastic to share their commitment to Architecture. Because they are convinced that is the main challenge of the XXIst century.

The conference was unusual. Few traditional speakings, except the well known professeur Jacques Printz which talk about architect, uncertainty and chaos. Most part of the conference has been taken by workgroups, one on a System Architecture case from Claude Feliot (Alsthom Transport), the other on an Enterprise Architecture case from Jean-Marie Faure (Crédit Agricole). Each attendee was expected to follow both of them.

Very good formula of Architectures Design experience which makes feel attendees how closed they are, every subjects which filled conversations during the closing cocktail.

From my point of view this vision is very interesting and worth to support. System Architecture practitionners may help Enterprise Architects for explaining they really deal with functioning enterprise complexity and not with application dataflows complication.

And not the least, the team gathered around Daniel Krob spread entusiastically values of being open minded, sharing knowledge and practices, transparency.   






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