To be or not to be digital, this is not a question

The digital transformation or digital transition is today the subject « must have » of any corporate strategy. If it is absent, the credibility of the growth prospects will be mechanically reduced, when it is present what meaning the company must give it? The answer to this natural question is far from obvious. If it is up En savoir plus surTo be or not to be digital, this is not a question[…]

If you transform, align

I already wrote in a previous post how the number of papers discussing IT alignement suprised me. Indeed, for me, priority should be given to deciding, to planning and to setting up Enterprise Change.

Formerly, 15 years ago, Enterprise Change was contemplated by planning and launching big projects which frequently crashed. Then, best practises of IT led to break down big projects into pieces managed locally. It results an higher rate of success, but with some pieces left behind. By this time, Enterprise was rather a collection of stovepipes with more or less communication in between.

Some of us attempted to glue stovepipes with EAI and business process automation. They get a pretty complicated system which never had the expected flexibility required to follow users business changes.
