Foundation Cigref : an international Think Tank on digital economy

Senator Pierre LafitteLast month, I attended to the Foundation Cigref symposium on Digital Innovation for Business Transformation. I won’t tell you a whole story that you are able to listen there : 2nd symposium. I would just outline some special moments.

Françoise Mercadal-Delasalles, Head of Human Resources at Socgen, outline how the bank current strategy based on innovation and on weaving new ways of customer relationship, is in line with Cigref Foundation researches objectives which are to show how  usages of Information Technology sustain business innovation.  I am noting too another similarity on strong international  culture of Socgen and Cigref Foundation which may claim to be a first class international think tank on Information Technology., leading Chinese company in e-commerce,
has just entered the top 100 companies with the highest numerical value in the unlisted world. Lu Peng his vice-president told its impressive story. I had the opportunity to discuss a little bit about its terrific numbers.  If we have a look beyond  the business size indicator we  would discover soon that China is at the first stage of e-Commerce which is « produced locally-sold locally ». All remain to be build for next stages which are « produced remotely-sold locally », especially a strong logistic business to bring goods and services to the costumer premises.
