CEO stop struggling, start transforming

Business is changing, more and more computers are replacing humans at work, it is quicker in countries like France where heavier taxes and contributions weigh on salaries. This is a silent move which pushes people to part time jobs or disoccupation. The only spared workers are the high skilled one able to deal with technologies and business organisation1. Countries where consumption is a growth engine, are suffering as purchasing power is stalling or decreasing. Those turned toward exportation fare much better. But competition is hardening in a deflationary context.

CEO are struggling to maintain or reach an operating income level which is today less and less compatible with investors requiring more and more return on capital. They are also fighting for Revenue as customers are affected themselves by business environment changes. Crisis is a good scapegoat, it explains disoccupation and companies troubles. But now it is over and hangover is still there.

To hope to survive, companies need to transform themselves.  Even so, not all will be able to proceed, only those which will get capital to finance the change and only those which will succeed into executing the change. Not much time will be left to start.

All of this would be new, unless consulting and editing companies have not rapped out Transformation for years.

What should be transformational directions ?


De l’architecture d’entreprise à l’architecture sociale, le vrai challenge de l’architecte !

Dans les années 80 et les années 90, les systèmes d’information voyaient le monde à travers le prisme de l’entreprise : les événements et les faits qui affectaient l’entreprise, étaient enregistrés par les salariés ou capturés par les capteurs des systèmes industriels.

Les entreprises étaient comparées à des organismes vivants, complexes, faits d’êtres humains et des machines. Elles ont besoin de programmes, de procédures, mais aussi de psychologie. C’est ce point de vue qui animait H A Simon quand il étudiait le processus de décision.

Le rôle des systèmes d’information étaient de soutenir le fonctionnement du cerveau d’entreprise, particulièrement ils devaient fournir une machine virtuelle qui aide à interpréter les événements afin de prendre de bonne décisions, et de lancer les opérations requises. Cela ne peut pas être fait sans traiter de la question de la représentation de la réalité. À côté de celle de la technologie, c’est la question principale posée aux chercheurs et aux développeurs.


From Enterprise architecture to social architecture. The very architect challenge !

In the 80’s and the 90’s, information systems viewed the world as enterprise centric. All business facts and events the enterprise ought to manage, were entered into the system by employees or captured by technical equipements like sensors.
By these times, enterprises were compared to complex living systems made of people and machines. They need at the same times programs and psychology, that was in short the H A Simon point of view when he work out the decision process. Information systems should support all aspects of the enterprise brain, especially they should cater for a virtual machine which help to understanding events, to taking the right decision, to leading the required operations. This cannot be achieved without dealing with the question of reality representation. Beside technology, this is the main question addressed by researchers and developers.
