Productivity in IT Divisions

I thought some years ago that Enterprise information system growth was more or less linear, according to a size factor. But getting experience, I soon discovered that inserting a new application in an existing information system comes to the same thing of creating a kind of turbulence which will take several months before to be stabilized.

Indeed, when counted in a stabilization process, applications may undergo several changes which do not change their initial function points count. Also when enterprises acquire or reengineer some of their information system parts, they use to implement COTS which are difficult to assess in function points. It results that measuring information system size is allways difficult and, even done, it will be a poor predictor for change which is rather related to business optimisation pace.


Harsh times are coming for IT divisions. What to do ?

Financial Insights, a research subsidiary of IDC, forecasts that top 10 american financial institutions  will cut  their IT budgets by 30%. Money is becoming dearer worldwide and investments harder to make. Europe which need big restructuring, fears recession.

For IT managers, it is time to consolidation for being able to support unavoidable budget cuts.

What means consolidation ?


If you transform, align

I already wrote in a previous post how the number of papers discussing IT alignement suprised me. Indeed, for me, priority should be given to deciding, to planning and to setting up Enterprise Change.

Formerly, 15 years ago, Enterprise Change was contemplated by planning and launching big projects which frequently crashed. Then, best practises of IT led to break down big projects into pieces managed locally. It results an higher rate of success, but with some pieces left behind. By this time, Enterprise was rather a collection of stovepipes with more or less communication in between.

Some of us attempted to glue stovepipes with EAI and business process automation. They get a pretty complicated system which never had the expected flexibility required to follow users business changes.


IT vision and IT Strategy what is the difference ?

In my previous post, I addressed the point of view that IT Strategy is not only business alignment, but should rely on a strong vision of IT role in the company.

Then, in this post, I propose to address the points of IT vision utility and how to build it with respect to IT Strategy.

Unfortunately, in the business world, few situations support to undertake no move, because usually stakeholders are facing externalities which raise questions on the way the company business is done. Beside, business undergo internal pressure when, for example, company reach poor execution performance in some areas.
The same happen for IT, if you choose to not move when all your environment is changing, you are quickly out of the business, or if you perform poorly you out your buiness at risks.


What about Enterprise Architecture and IT auditors ?

As Enterprise Architecture buzz is gaining ground within IT Divisions, what auditors, may think about it ? Since version 4.0, one of Cobit focuses is strategic alignment which is attained by a 3 stages macro process : translating by the business into objectives related to IT-enabled initiatives, defining IT’s own objectives, defining the IT resources Read more about What about Enterprise Architecture and IT auditors ?[…]