Future of managers is programming and architecture

Today , managers have to optimize and sometimes to reegine their activities to achieve continuous improvement requested by General Management.

This requires implementation of so-called ” quality ” approaches often based on the concepts of lean management . They should not only consider the case of their Direction optimizing its internal operations , but they should also include in the study interactions with other Directions with aim to identify those that would be the cause of malfunction.

The optimization process coming from these studies often result in changing the settings of  softwares and sometimes of information system as a whole. In fact, to achieve smooth and gradual operations, maganer has to tie the role of change agent with the one of software parameters controller.

In a world where business activities are and will be increasingly automated , executed by virtual robots , understanding the business process necessarily requires an understanding of the information system. In fulfilling their role, managers can not delegate to a third party all related studies, it must itself take care of this role and be able to reprogramming software. To be able to do this, he has to understand functional and logical architecture of the entire information system .

In this landscape,  the role of IT professionals will be to ensure proper technical activities of systems .

It is surprising that computer lessons have disappeared from the MBA curriculum . Fault may be inadequacy of lessons that were intended to share with future managers technical aspects of computing , including design methods which was thought, one time, especially in France , enssential in manager toolbox. Information systems that must be teached to managers are those of digital enterprise , virtualization , automation, robotics , responsiveness, service orientation , all that  give them  leverage to better fulfill their missions .

cf : race against the machines

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