It is time that Enterprise Architecture becomes a true art of Architecture…

louvrepyramide.jpgMost of enterprises expect from their IT Division to develop and maintain information and communications infrastructure which includes networking and telecommunications, desktop computing, business management information systems, systems for technical information and computer security. This is not the less classical in governance landscape. Then, IT Divisions have gathered excellent engineers, among them architects, who continuously arrange technology for the best of Business people. When business is looking after better machines to manufacture quickly engine parts or better systems to conduct more effectively business cases, it is supported by an IT Division able to deal with all technical questions. All seem to be fine for the best… except that during the pas ten years we crossed the road little by little.

Though business is now looking after whole plants which would be able to manufacture several type of products or whole systems which may be used for different types of business cases, investment choice is conducted the same way it was when we were on the other side of the road. Business people relying on its business background try to figure out how a whole plant should work and forward technical issues to engineers and IT Divisions. Would you entrust the design of a business building to business people ? You have the risk to get a warehouse with a row of tables and not much heating nor air conditioning except for exectives. I am not kidding, I really saw it in a high tech company.

By now, for such a design, it is usual to hire architects for this job, since everybody knows that people are more effective in an environment build for them, not only considering the job, but considering that they spend a fair part of their life doing the job. Even plants are arranged specifically around people doing their job, which contribute to high productivity and high quality. This is the result of a mix of comprehensive manufacturing knowledge, social psychology, building knowledge, business understanding, security all things which don’t fit in one head only. Architecure is the field of knowledge which gather input of all these fields to find effective solutions for buildings.


The very question is no more about services. This is infrastructure.

Today most of discussions regarding organisation performance turn around the concept of service. Companies and company sub-entities are deemed to be more efficient when committed to services delivery. Would it be due to modern economies orientation for which services industry represent 70% ? The successes of the cloud computing, of Software as a service associated with the spread of ITIL outside production departments, are far from the bottom of the drivers list. Even SOA, though a declining fame, contributed to service orientation success.

But, are they, all these, the same services ? Some people says these are different points of view. If true, it means that it exists a unique definition of service which unify all the previous. Then, all would be services ? this is the question of this post.

Strategic alignement does not matter…

These last 20 years, Information Technology (IT) reshaped the world : business, media, politics, government, defence,… Companies undertook great changes especially around 2000 before the internet bubble went burst. Even if the changes were visible and obvious, statistics didn’t demonstrate a clear link between IT investment and profitability. Several models have been build, (ex : Hytt and Bryjolfsson 1996), the results were not clear and they were too complex for being used by company management.

This brought forward the balanced scorecard (BSC) method from Norton and Kaplan and the IT BSC which simplifies the question. With BSC, it is up to company managers to identifying the links and the effective actions to settle for implementing company strategy. BSC requires that management shares point of views regarding strategic hypothesis, activities drivers, results and indicators. In this case, the model produced is specific to a company, its value is empirical and depends on managers experience.